A Customized Customer Service Training Workshop for Your Team
We don't offer public seminars or canned training programs. Every one of our customer service training workshops is customized to meet the needs of your organization. If you would like an immediate price quote, contact us and let us know the number of people you would like to train, and the approximate length of the program you are looking for (half day, full day, two days, etc.). If you would like a more in-depth proposal, we will schedule a time for a phone call to discuss your objectives and details about your organization and your customers. After the call, we will send you a detailed outline for a workshop that meets your objectives with a variety of options you can choose from. We can generally schedule a workshop within 30-60 days of the proposal date. Don't wait for a more convenient time to think about training. Your employees need customer service training now. Let us help you get the ball rolling.
Customer Service Training
We will design the perfect customer service training workshop for your organization. Topics can include:
- Understanding the value of quality customer service
- Delivering value to customers
- How customers perceive you and the importance of customer perception
- Changing customer perception: Increasing perceived benefits
- The Customer Experience Management (CEM) model
- Customer service Moments of Truth
- Treating customers as guests
- Establishing trust and rapport
- The power and value of a positive attitude
- Giving quality customer service when you don’t feel like it
- Taking care of yourself and your customers
- Getting customers to share ownership of problems
- How to say no the right way
- Diagnosing, troubleshooting & solving customer problems
- Active listening skills
- Proactive questioning skills
- Communicating with tact and professionalism
- Communicating through tone and body language
- Answering difficult questions without digging a hole for yourself and your team members
- Email do's and don'ts
- Telephone & call transfer do's & don'ts
- The fine art of setting and resetting customer expectations
- Your role as a customer consultant
- Dealing effectively with irate customers
- Choose to respond rather than react
- Emotional Intelligence and your EQ
- Improving your EQ through self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management
- The value of empathy
- The most common reasons customers complain and how to deal with those complaints
- Negotiating win-win solutions to customer service dilemmas
- The team of you and your customer
- The importance of keeping promises and timely follow-up
- Customer styles & customer service styles
- The DISC Behavioral Style Model and communication strategies
- Valuing your opportunity to serve
- Having fun and enjoying your work
- Your values & your behavior
- Time management skills
- Stress management skills
Topics can be covered in depth or lightly, depending on where your management team needs focus, and the time you decide to allocate to the training program.
Customer Service Skills Training
Effective customer service requires skills training in interpersonal communication skills, setting and resetting customer expectations, conflict resolution, troubleshooting, problem-solving, time management and customer follow-up. We design our workshops to thoroughly train your team members in the skills they need to provide excellent customer service. Our programs are developed and delivered by Roger Reece, ensuring consistent quality. Roger's workshops are fun, engaging and highly interactive, with open-discussion small-group breakouts and activities to hold everyone's attention from start to finish. Roger is effective in working with groups of all levels, from entry-level employees to top executives.
Activities & Role-Play
Exercises and activities include one-on-one dyads, small-group discussions, learning games, team-building activities and role-play sessions. Every participant receives a workbook with copies of key slides and learning points, as well as activity worksheets, tools and self-study exercises. Roger keeps the pace lively and challenges everyone in the room. There are no spectators.
Role-play sessions are done with volunteers in the front of the room, and in small groups. Team-building activities are focused on customer service and serve as experiential learning tools. Each role play and team activity is followed by a debrief, during which Roger interacts with participants to draw out their experiences during the activity, as well as parallels with their day-to-day customer service interaction.
DISC Behavioral Style Assessments
Add another dimension to your customer service training workshop with DISC Assessments. Each participant completes an online survey one week prior to the workshop and receives a 20-page personality profile based on the DISC Behavioral Style Model. Many workshop participants tell us these assessments are "so accurate it's scary!"
The assessments outline each participant's behavioral and communication style, along with strengths, weaknesses and suggestions for improvement. If you decide to include the assessments, they will be an integral part of the workshop. We will include a module on the DISC model, the four primary behavioral styles, and how to effectively communicate with people of each style. The training includes strategies for building rapport with customers of each style as well as techniques for working with irate customers of each style. The training and interactive exercises are extremely effective in providing participants with tools for working with any customer in any situation.
For more information about DISC assessments and how we use them in our workshops, visit our DISC Training Workshops website.
Making it Fun
People learn best when they are having fun. Roger Reece's creative style brings fun and humor to every workshop. If you want to add even more humor and entertainment, let us know, and Roger will bring his alter-ego, Buford P. Fuddwhacker to the workshop. Buford is a down-home country philosopher and motivational speaker who adds music, humor and outrageous audience participation to the mix. Buford's motivational training modules range from 5-30 minutes in length, and your workshop can include from 1-5 fun-filled Fuddwhacker modules. For more information about Buford Fuddwhacker, visit our Fun Motivational Keynotes website at www.funmotivationalkeynotespeaker.com. Contact us for a link to online videos of Buford Fuddwhacker in action.
Add a Customer Service Focus to Your Meetings and Events
Considering the best time for a customer service workshop? Why not make it an integral part of your next offsite meeting? Whether you're planning an all employees meeting, a management retreat or a departmental meeting, Roger Reece can add value with a customer service training session. If you have quarterly or annual meetings, make customer service a focal point in each meeting by including a two or three-hour workshop on customer service as a part of each meeting..
A Comprehensive Customer Service Training Program for Your Department or for the Entire Organization
If you are looking for a comprehensive training program, we can design a workshop up to 5 days in length. The training can be conducted all at once, or over a period of time on half-day or one-day sessions. If you want to make sure everyone on your team has the skills, tools and attitude necessary for delivering effective customer service, contact us for ideas about how we can structure a comprehensive training program for the entire organization.
An Onsite Workshop or an Offsite Event
Where we hold your customer service training workshop is up to you, and is only limited by your imagination. Hold it at your facility, or take it offsite to a hotel, conference facility or resort. Combine the workshop with golf, boating, fishing, or a ropes course. Make it a part of a planned event or make it a standalone workshop. Contact us today for fresh ideas and help with the planning process.
Getting Started: Free Telephone Consultation
Contact us now for more information about our customer service training workshops as well as a price quote. If our fees fit your budget, the next step is to schedule a free telephone consultation to discuss your objectives, dates, format, content and length of the workshop. After the call, we will send you a detailed outline and agenda for the workshop. Then all you have to do is schedule it. Don't procrastinate. Your customers are too important. Let us help you improve customer service and teamwork right away!